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How an Afghan Orphan Became Famous

9 years ago by Andrew

The importance or value of a picture is found either in the places that it takes you to, or the story that it tells. This iconic image does both and as a result, is one of the most reconizable images in journalistic history.

I would wager that most, if not all of you have seen this image before. But what makes it special isn't just the image, it's the story behind it. It's not just the story in this girl's eyes, or the intensity with which she engages the camera, and by extension, you and I, there's also the story of how the picture came about. Taken in 1984 and initially published by National Geographic, this image has showed up all over the place since then. The story it tells is fascinating. The story of how it was captured is just as engaging.

Image Thumbnail © Biserko | Dreamstime.com - Asian Idea Of Copyright Photo, Original Photo by Steve McCurry

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