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Likely the Best Northern Lights Video You Will Ever See

9 years ago by Ray

The northern lights are one of the most fascinating things on the planet. Every 9 to 14 years, the sun goes through a solar cycle, and at its peak, it can cause an incredible show, sometimes as far down as Texas!

For those closer to the Arctic Circle, the northern lights are magical for much of the winter (regardless of the solar cycle). For filmmaker and photographer, Alexis Coram, that magic was very evident.

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9 years ago

Hittin' Aces at 75 Years Old! Jack's still got It!

Even though he retired from pro golf in 2005, Jack Nicklaus, one of the winningest golfers in history (third highest number of wins on the PGA and the highest number of Major wins), is still knocking the ball about on the golf course from time-to-time these days. And boy did he hit this one beautifully...

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