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This MVP Pays It Forward In An Awesome Way!

9 years ago by Mike

Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder's point guard, pays it forward in a big way and surprises a deserving single mother with a brand new SUV.

After being named MVP of the NBA All-Star Game in February, Russell found out that the honour included a brand new Kia Sorento. In a move that speaks volumes about his character, Westbrook decided this week to give the car to someone who could use it just a bit more than he could. Sunbeam Family Services, an organization dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for the poor and working poor in Oklahoma City, helped the MVP find a deserving recipient. Kerstin Gonzales, a 19-year-old single mother of two, was surprised by Westbrook with the keys to the SUV and her emotional reaction is priceless.

"It's so touching and it's so amazing knowing that there's people out there willing to help the ones that are in need," Kerstin says in the video. We couldn't agree more!

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